I'm so hot right now...
...that's funnier if you've seen Zoolander...
wow tough crowd
okay, so it's been over 100 degrees two days in a row. Today it was 102. The weather is beginning to make me question the existence of hell. If God is a God of love, He couldn't possibly send people somewhere hotter than where I've been the past two days. I suppose there's the off chance that Portland is hell, but that would upset alot of people.
I've now given two fairly successful sermons on back-to-back weeks. By successful I mean that I wasn't called a heretic, tarred and feathered, kicked in the junk or anything like that.
I'm somewhat apologetic for my previous two posts. Not in a regretting posting them sort of way. I just feel like if people don't know me well (and don't know little things like, oh I don't know, my wife is white) that they might misunderstand my posting those things. I've just gotten kinda fed up with how this country's racial issues have been swept under the carpet lately.
Tonight I met with a group of young adults (what do you call us? kids? folks? I hate the term "young adults") who are wanting to plant a community garden in the back of one of the churches I'm working at (or at which I'm working...my mom is in my head right now) They're really enthusiastic about it and the fact that the church isn't really asking anything of them is kind of a shock. It could be a really good thing for the neighborhood and it's great that the pastor recognizes that.
By the way, I figured out my its/it's problem. I used It's a wonderful life in a sermon a couple of weeks ago and for some reason that made it stick.
I finally started "Shaping of Things to Come". So far it is a fantastic book. At some point I should consider reading fiction.
Well, I'm tired. And hot. And not in the sexy way. Just in the sweaty way. And not sweaty in the sexy way. Just sweaty in the sweaty way. I also think the heat is making me a bit delirious. I'll see y'all tomorrow when it is going to cool all the way down to the nineties. Yay!
wow tough crowd
okay, so it's been over 100 degrees two days in a row. Today it was 102. The weather is beginning to make me question the existence of hell. If God is a God of love, He couldn't possibly send people somewhere hotter than where I've been the past two days. I suppose there's the off chance that Portland is hell, but that would upset alot of people.
I've now given two fairly successful sermons on back-to-back weeks. By successful I mean that I wasn't called a heretic, tarred and feathered, kicked in the junk or anything like that.
I'm somewhat apologetic for my previous two posts. Not in a regretting posting them sort of way. I just feel like if people don't know me well (and don't know little things like, oh I don't know, my wife is white) that they might misunderstand my posting those things. I've just gotten kinda fed up with how this country's racial issues have been swept under the carpet lately.
Tonight I met with a group of young adults (what do you call us? kids? folks? I hate the term "young adults") who are wanting to plant a community garden in the back of one of the churches I'm working at (or at which I'm working...my mom is in my head right now) They're really enthusiastic about it and the fact that the church isn't really asking anything of them is kind of a shock. It could be a really good thing for the neighborhood and it's great that the pastor recognizes that.
By the way, I figured out my its/it's problem. I used It's a wonderful life in a sermon a couple of weeks ago and for some reason that made it stick.
I finally started "Shaping of Things to Come". So far it is a fantastic book. At some point I should consider reading fiction.
Well, I'm tired. And hot. And not in the sexy way. Just in the sweaty way. And not sweaty in the sexy way. Just sweaty in the sweaty way. I also think the heat is making me a bit delirious. I'll see y'all tomorrow when it is going to cool all the way down to the nineties. Yay!
Ummm...it sounds like it has gone straight from overcast and chilly to way-too-hot! Could you please make sure the weather is perfect for my arrival at the end of the week?
I'm wishing I hadn't slept through Zoolander. Ah, well.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:57 AM
I can't believe I'm married to someone who slept through the brilliance that is Zoolander. Ugh!
The weather should actually be quite pleasnt when you arrive (I even sound like Jack now when I type!) It might be hot on the 4th though. I'll do what I can. If I have to cool things down to get you here, damn it, I will!
Posted by
dlweston |
4:13 PM
I am not sure what I think about the too of you conversing on a blog. I really want to say it is somehow wrong.
Zoolander approached greatness, but brilliant? Well it did have David Bowie.
Other tid-bits: Adults are really adults. You dont say old adults, although you do say senior citizens when asking for you discounts on the bus and in restaraunts. But with a wave of my Imperial Hand I henceforce decree that the official titles are Children; Teen-agers; Adults and Oldsters.
I was gonna comment on your 1 Samuel and Mark reading but I imagine that sermon was already preached.
You seem skeptical that the PCUSA will spilt. Another student around here is fairly certain it will split.
Ok hot-shot, what will you do? How do you reconcile the factions at this point?
Posted by
D. Hammond |
8:30 PM
If I want to converse with MY wife on MY blog, then by God I will!
The term Oldsters might catch on. I would support that.
Next week I might be preaching on some combination of the following passageS: 2 Samueal 5:1-5,9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13. There you go, you can help me for next week.
I am skeptical that the PCUSA will split. To be honest, I think laziness will keep it together. Apathy will set in about these things that people are so "Passionate" about and all the split talk will fizzle out. Truth be told, i think a split could be helpful, which is another reason I don't think it will happen.
By the way, I rather enjoy being called "Hot Shot".
Anyway, reconciling the factions of the PC(USA) doesn't sound like a particularly interesting past time. I prefer to reconcile what I say I believe with the way I live my life. If an organization doesn't want to do the same then that's no skin off my nose.
Posted by
dlweston |
10:40 PM
Um... IZ and I converse on my blog all the time... and in IM when we are working just a room away. When people ask us the secret to marriage we always quip, "Instant messaging." So... comment away! :) Not that you need my permission!
As for apologies... it's your blog. I'm glad you're posting what is important to you. I'm not saying much as I'm completely braindead (as in more so than usual) due to house guests of the parental nature. But I am reading. :) So, keep at it.
As for Portland being too hot... UM... go West, young man, go West. We are much cooler here on the coast.
Ok, signing off and giving my best "Blue Steel" look. Hee.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:35 PM