Another Sacred Encounter
Weird stuff happens to me out here. I just bumped into a guy on the street who was walking down the street with a cane in his hand (he was holding it, but not using it). He started talking to me when a random noise on the street startled us both. From there we talked about a really nice Mazda station wagon we saw parked on the street (it was okay...its still a station wagon). The he asked me if anyone I knew could use a cane. I told him no, but that the church I worked at might have someone who could use it. He then went on to tell me that he didn't feel as sentimental about the cane as some other things his father had left him. His father died at three this morning. He watched him die slowly over time of stomach cancer. Again, I can't express how privileged I felt listening to him tell me about the struggle he's gone through over the past few months. He goes to a church around the corner, so I hope folks rally around him. I also hope I bump into him again. He gave me the cane for now. He may want it back at some point, but he said that his dad would want it to go to someone who could use it. I told him the churches where I work have some elderly folk (his does not).
Before we parted ways he said "Do you know what time my dad died? Three o'clock. Jesus died at three o'clock" According to Luke 23:44, he's absolutely right (albeit Jesus died 3:00 PM, not AM... I had to look it up). What faith! I guess Portland's not as Godless as I was led to believe.
If you think about it, pray for Mark.
Before we parted ways he said "Do you know what time my dad died? Three o'clock. Jesus died at three o'clock" According to Luke 23:44, he's absolutely right (albeit Jesus died 3:00 PM, not AM... I had to look it up). What faith! I guess Portland's not as Godless as I was led to believe.
If you think about it, pray for Mark.
if it's not already there, there seems to come a point in in a minister's career where they get this stamp on their forehead that says "talk to me. i'm safe. i'll respect and love you." while sometimes a pill, it can be a really awesome thing. i'm still not used to it ata ll. and you know, they don't need to know our future profession. it's odd.
Posted by
Kathryn Craven |
11:08 AM
I know exactly what you're talking about. I think it has been there (on my forehead) for awhile, but I'm still caught off guard everytime someone reads it and takes it seriously.
BTW, I'm also posting a response to your other comment from earlier in the week...dial-up is killing me!
Posted by
dlweston |
11:22 AM