the week in review
This turned out to not be a very good week. We've had all kinds of car issues. Our transmission was starting to go a couple of weeks ago. On Monday, as Marnie was leaving for work, she discovered that the car would not go into gear. Before it was only not going into second. Now it wasn't going into any gear. So we had to get a new clutch and a new transmission. That was well over two grand. For those of you that don't know, neither Marnie or I is independently wealthy. In fact, we're not dependently wealthy. Two grand (plus) hurts. Today Marnie went to the car and discovered that our windshield had been cracked. (Sigh) Oh, I also spent $40 this week filling the gas tank. I can't wait until we get to a point where we're not so dependent on cars. If that ever happens.
Marnie's had some rough stuff going on at her school. Kids start to check out when the weather gets nice. Plus the kids that Marnie works with just have issue to begin with or else they wouldn't be the kids Marnie works with. It doesn't help that school administrators and teachers are so interested in "educating" that they don't care about kids as human beings. It's been draining on her.
I spent most of this week working on a paper for environmental ethics. I worked collaboratively on it with one of my friends in the class. That complicated things. Both of us are aware that I'm a much better writer than he is. In some ways it may have been easier to write the paper alone, however, I'm glad I didn't. The paper turned out very well and our presentation of it today was alot more fun because we did it together. The extra work that may have been created was worth it.
And then there was the insomnia. I don't sleep well when I have stress. This semester has actually been a fairly good one for me sleepwise, but this week was rough. Wednesday night/Thursday morning I woke up at 2am. Despite two failed attempts, I couldn't get back to sleep. So Iwas practically awake yesterday from 2 am to 11 pm.
A friend of mine (who I have blogged about before) had a demon he thought he had exorcised return last night. I really don't know how to be a better friend to him.
We had a brown out that made me miss Scrubs and nearly blew up our tv.
Counter point:
This was actually a pretty good week. Marnie and I have had some car issues, but fortunately we've had the means to take care of them. Despite lots of stress and little sleep, I managed to finish what I think was a damn good paper and I did a fairly kickass presentation with one of my best friends.
I ordered very pretty flowers for my mom for Mother's day. Since I've moved out here, my mom has gotten used to getting very pretty and exotic looking flowers from Marnie and I. We're getting a reputation.
Mark Yaconelli is speaking on youth spirituality this evening. I think that may be an interesting discussion and may help Marnie with some ideas on some of the challenges she's had in the school lately. Even if it doesn't it will be fun to be around Mark Yaconelli. I really appreciated his father's ministry. He is greatly missed by many.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers released a new album this week. I've heard alittle of it and I love what I've heard so far. They are without a doubt one of my all time favorite bands. Flea rules!
I got through being awake for 21 hours without doing or saying anything that was incredibly ridiculous!
I'm blessed to have friends that share their challenges with me.
The brown out built a little community on my floor. That was surprising and fun!
I didn't miss the season finale of Scrubs (its next week), our tv is fine, I did get to see most of the season finale of Gilmore Girls (which sucked!), and all of the season finales of The Office, and My Name is Earl (those two were descent).
One more week and I'll be done with my fourth semester of seminary! And only one year to go!
I've lived most of this week with the counter point perspective on things. I praise God for that.
Marnie's had some rough stuff going on at her school. Kids start to check out when the weather gets nice. Plus the kids that Marnie works with just have issue to begin with or else they wouldn't be the kids Marnie works with. It doesn't help that school administrators and teachers are so interested in "educating" that they don't care about kids as human beings. It's been draining on her.
I spent most of this week working on a paper for environmental ethics. I worked collaboratively on it with one of my friends in the class. That complicated things. Both of us are aware that I'm a much better writer than he is. In some ways it may have been easier to write the paper alone, however, I'm glad I didn't. The paper turned out very well and our presentation of it today was alot more fun because we did it together. The extra work that may have been created was worth it.
And then there was the insomnia. I don't sleep well when I have stress. This semester has actually been a fairly good one for me sleepwise, but this week was rough. Wednesday night/Thursday morning I woke up at 2am. Despite two failed attempts, I couldn't get back to sleep. So Iwas practically awake yesterday from 2 am to 11 pm.
A friend of mine (who I have blogged about before) had a demon he thought he had exorcised return last night. I really don't know how to be a better friend to him.
We had a brown out that made me miss Scrubs and nearly blew up our tv.
Counter point:
This was actually a pretty good week. Marnie and I have had some car issues, but fortunately we've had the means to take care of them. Despite lots of stress and little sleep, I managed to finish what I think was a damn good paper and I did a fairly kickass presentation with one of my best friends.
I ordered very pretty flowers for my mom for Mother's day. Since I've moved out here, my mom has gotten used to getting very pretty and exotic looking flowers from Marnie and I. We're getting a reputation.
Mark Yaconelli is speaking on youth spirituality this evening. I think that may be an interesting discussion and may help Marnie with some ideas on some of the challenges she's had in the school lately. Even if it doesn't it will be fun to be around Mark Yaconelli. I really appreciated his father's ministry. He is greatly missed by many.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers released a new album this week. I've heard alittle of it and I love what I've heard so far. They are without a doubt one of my all time favorite bands. Flea rules!
I got through being awake for 21 hours without doing or saying anything that was incredibly ridiculous!
I'm blessed to have friends that share their challenges with me.
The brown out built a little community on my floor. That was surprising and fun!
I didn't miss the season finale of Scrubs (its next week), our tv is fine, I did get to see most of the season finale of Gilmore Girls (which sucked!), and all of the season finales of The Office, and My Name is Earl (those two were descent).
One more week and I'll be done with my fourth semester of seminary! And only one year to go!
I've lived most of this week with the counter point perspective on things. I praise God for that.
Ok, that was a rather nice post--however, I'm now going to comment on the mundane. Because I'm shallow like that. Right, you know that... Ok...
So, Flea... saw him on late night the other evening and I thought, "dang, that guy should do an exercise video!" He could just play his music and flail around on stage, and you the fatty (not you specifically, more, say ME) could flail along with him in your living room.
He could call it, wait for it. . . "Flailing with Flea: How to Look Like a Rock Star 6 Easy Weeks."
Admit it, you want to Flail with Flea already. It's genius, huh?
See, now aren't you glad I read your blog? :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:54 PM
I would TOTALLY buy "Flailing with Flea"
Posted by
dlweston |
3:54 PM
wen, i totally can't see you flailing at really any point in time. derrick, maybe i can see you.
sorry about your car. if you bought a new one while here, though, you would totally not be the first person to buy a car while in seminary.
as for the brownout, i hosted the wraiths during that time. har.
(not logging in, but this is kat)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:55 PM
Kat: Pfffft. I can flail with the best of them--gracefully, of course. :) Heh.
Derrick: Speaking of flailing... have you ever gone to Techno Cosmic Mass? I miss that service so much! It's an amazing worship experience. I think it's something not to be missed--a "at least once while in Seminary" kind of thing.
I'm seriously considering taking the training next year to see if it's something we could do here in Astoria. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:26 PM