the joys and the sorrows
Sorry for the blog hiatus. It's not that I haven't had time to write or that I haven't had anything to write about. I, in fact, have no excuse. So there...
I had a reminder today that a big part of the Christian life, actually the best part in my humble opinion, is sharing that life with others. It is a privilege to share in joys and it is equally a privilege to share in sorrows. The past week it has been very easy for me to share my joy. God is obviously working through alot of the things that are going on around me. Our trip to Portland last week was an immense joy. The pastors I met were incredible people and several were recent SFTS grads, which gives me some hope. We've been blessed by their willingness to help us in any way they can, and they have gone above and beyond in showing us love. It has been awesome to watch God work in this circumstance. Within a month, they found someone who was willing to donate my entire stipend for the summer, someone else who was willing to pay for our flight, they have found me a car (an '89 celebrity, but its mine while it runs which should hopefully get me through to the end of seminary), they've found us a house to live in for free during the summer... it has been incredible! I'm so excited for this opportunity!
on the other end of the spectrum, there are some people in my life who are really struggling and it is equally a privilege to share in that. I found out this morning about some health issues that the seminary's professor of music has been wrestling with. I think the world of Dan and it hurts me to see him struggling. He was really emotional after chapel today. I was both heartbroken and honored to be in his presence in the midst of his trial.
I also found out that two very dear friends/colleagues from the Pittsburgh Project, lost their house to a fire this weekend. These two incredible people, who love God very passionately have suffered alot in the past three years. I hate to see them suffer and it does make me ask some serious theodicy questions. I can't help but wonder where God is in their suffering and I'm often unsatisfied with the answers I come up with. I'm left with the equally unsettling question of why it is we so quickly identify good things as coming from God and bad things as some mysterious force of chance or coincidence.
At any rate, I'm content to live with the fact there is alot I don't get and that the best I can do in any situation is to be a good friend, husband, brother, son, uncle, classmate, etc... to whomever I come in contact with and be thankful that I get to share my life with them and they with me. That's a hard enough challenge for now.
I had a reminder today that a big part of the Christian life, actually the best part in my humble opinion, is sharing that life with others. It is a privilege to share in joys and it is equally a privilege to share in sorrows. The past week it has been very easy for me to share my joy. God is obviously working through alot of the things that are going on around me. Our trip to Portland last week was an immense joy. The pastors I met were incredible people and several were recent SFTS grads, which gives me some hope. We've been blessed by their willingness to help us in any way they can, and they have gone above and beyond in showing us love. It has been awesome to watch God work in this circumstance. Within a month, they found someone who was willing to donate my entire stipend for the summer, someone else who was willing to pay for our flight, they have found me a car (an '89 celebrity, but its mine while it runs which should hopefully get me through to the end of seminary), they've found us a house to live in for free during the summer... it has been incredible! I'm so excited for this opportunity!
on the other end of the spectrum, there are some people in my life who are really struggling and it is equally a privilege to share in that. I found out this morning about some health issues that the seminary's professor of music has been wrestling with. I think the world of Dan and it hurts me to see him struggling. He was really emotional after chapel today. I was both heartbroken and honored to be in his presence in the midst of his trial.
I also found out that two very dear friends/colleagues from the Pittsburgh Project, lost their house to a fire this weekend. These two incredible people, who love God very passionately have suffered alot in the past three years. I hate to see them suffer and it does make me ask some serious theodicy questions. I can't help but wonder where God is in their suffering and I'm often unsatisfied with the answers I come up with. I'm left with the equally unsettling question of why it is we so quickly identify good things as coming from God and bad things as some mysterious force of chance or coincidence.
At any rate, I'm content to live with the fact there is alot I don't get and that the best I can do in any situation is to be a good friend, husband, brother, son, uncle, classmate, etc... to whomever I come in contact with and be thankful that I get to share my life with them and they with me. That's a hard enough challenge for now.
yay with the portland! it must be nice to have, you know, a future and stuff. congrats.
Posted by
Kathryn Craven |
1:05 AM
I've always suspected that the content of your last paragraph is the definition of Kingdom (of God) building.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:47 AM