trying not to toot my own horn
Is it weird to say that I was really moved by a worship service that I designed? Well, I was. It turned out really well. I was nervous. I did some risky things: no music, focusing on sin, the whole community hammering nails into a cross...I guess you can get away with things during lent. How come we aren't allowed to experiment more here throughout the year? It is interesting how awkward the idea of confessing your sins before the community is for people. I've tried it twice now in worship and people seem closed off to the idea. I guess confession is just something you do silently between yourself and God. Of course, I don't believe that. I think there is alot of value in being vulnerable before your community. Maybe the problem is, we don't have real community here. Hmmm...
The rain continues relentlessly...well, not actually at this moment. In fact it is supposed to stop raining until tomorrow evening. Yea, a whole 12 hour break. the rain does not amuse me.
I'm glad the Wednesday worship services are done now. Planning them was really exhausting for me. I learned a ton though. I hope the community keeps up some kind of evening worship. We shall see, but its no longer my problem. That's usually what I say right before something becomes my problem...
The rain continues relentlessly...well, not actually at this moment. In fact it is supposed to stop raining until tomorrow evening. Yea, a whole 12 hour break. the rain does not amuse me.
I'm glad the Wednesday worship services are done now. Planning them was really exhausting for me. I learned a ton though. I hope the community keeps up some kind of evening worship. We shall see, but its no longer my problem. That's usually what I say right before something becomes my problem...
Derrick, I was also very moved by the service.
Regarding confessing sin in front of the has been my experience that community is often fostered when we confess, share our weaknesses and become vulnerable in front of each other. While it is hard to do in this community, I think it should continue.
Now let me give an example of why it can be hard in this community. Typically, when I pray, I naturally say "Father God" or "Heavenly Father". So I have to be very intentional about not saying that. Then I think, "I'm going to do it anyway just to piss everyone off!" After which I conclude that I should confess silently about how contrite my heart is!
Sometimes in the effort to be inclusive, this community give off a vibe that makes it hard to be truly genuine. I think confessing together is a step in the right direction, though.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:59 AM
Hey . . . isn't that some kind of blog cheating when your spouse comments ;-) Good for you Derrick on a good service. I am a firm believer that if we are not transformed in some way by the leading of worship or the preaching of the word, then how the bleeping heck are we going to help others to do so?
Posted by
Reyes-Chow |
8:37 PM
Okay, this is a little bit belated, but I didn't find your blog until about a week ago.
You aren't really tooting your own horn by saying you were moved by that Lenten Worship service we did on that last Wednesday before Easter. After all, you didn't do it by yourself! Never forget the debts we owe to others...
The Wednesday night services are still your problem because we're going to pick them up again this year and be even more dedicated about it! Speaking of which, we need to meet before summer is over. When are you back from Portland?
I'm sorry you feel that the community isn't experimental enough in worship. I aim to change that in a major way as Chaplain's assistant. I'd be honored to have your advice on how to do that.
Posted by
Aric Clark |
10:17 PM