2-3, procrastination, loved into exhaustion (not in a dirty way), and for the love of God would it please start being reading week!

So I should be studying for an exam right now. Instead I'm listening to music and blogging. That, boys and girls, is called procrastination. Can you say procrastination? I know you can. BTW, Mr. Rogers never said that whole "can you say...b.s.". I don't know where that misconception came from.
Well this weekend I preached at a very cool church in New Mexico. It was an awesome experience. I've really been having my gifts affirmed as of late and I'm grateful for that. I was also very impressed by this church. They have members who, in the words of the pastor, range from fundamentalists to bordeline unitarians and yet they get along because they are dedicated to being family to one another. Yes, there are churches like that in the world. Praise God! I preached twice. It went very well. My message was well received. A seventy-five year old man told me that it was the best sermon he had ever heard (he might be one of those chronic exaggerators - I know a few of those) and a homiletics prof. from Cuba gave me an (unofficial) A+. That was cool. Marnie and I also got to experience the Albequerque balloon fiesta (fiesta, not festival). We were impressed, but apparently it is usually much better. The rain interrupted the "mass ascension" on Saturday morning. Still, I thought it was cool.
Oh, I should also mention that we were fed ridiculously well because we were. I had heartburn on the flight back. It was pretty cool. Still, all of this love has a price. I have been exhausted since we returned. My brain is kind of fried and I've just felt drained and like I'm going through the motions this week.
Fortunately, next week is reading week. Ah sweet reading week. Normally what happens for me around reading week is that I make all of these lofty goals to get myself organized and caught up on things and then I just end up playing video games until Marnie comes home. Not this year. This year I will attain my lofty organizational goals. I will get myself more organized for the remainder of the semester. I will get myself more organized for my internship. I will finish my novel and my screenplay. I will finish my mastering my cure for the common cold. I will scale Mt. Everest. All in five days. Actually, my only goal for next week is to drink beer with some friends as many nights of the week as possible.
Any takers?
I'll pass on the beer, but gladly join you for drinks of some kind. And we should get some good Football in, in front of Nick's giant TV.
Hurray for Reading Week!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:07 PM
sorry, "beer" is an exclusive term and I experience the spirit in all its forms. Get it? spirit? spirits? That's a joke, people.
...I really do need a break.
Posted by
dlweston |
7:39 PM