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Saturday, March 18, 2006 

Missing Ted...

No, Ted is not a person. Well, yes , Ted is a person. But it is not actually Ted I miss. No, it is Ted's. Ted's was a bar in San Anselmo where my friends and I spent many a Friday night. It closed around the first of the year, right after "the flood". Ironically, I don't think Ted's took any damage from the flood, so I guess it was just a coincidence.

Since Ted's closed, we do more hanging out at people's apartments, we spend less on alcohol, and we probably have a better time. For whatever reason, though, I've started to miss it. It was "our" place. Many of my fondest memories (and a couple of things I can't remember) are from Ted's. It was nice having a relatively okay bar within walking distance. Now if we go to a bar, it feels like we're "going out". I don't like going out!

I didn't mean to have this post be all alcohol related, but there is something else I miss that has to do with alcohol: namely "beer and theology". B&T was my theology professor's way of luring us to the student lounge to talk about the things we were reading and studying in his systematic theology classes. We had it for two semesters. I'm not sure why beer enhances theological discussions, but it does. Perhaps its just the honesty that comes out. It was good to hear someone say in the midst of the session that there was a long held, time-honored church doctrine that they just couldn't swallow. It was honest. We wrestled with the Niebuhrs and Tillich and Gutierrez, and Calvin... it was fun.

I have joked alot with people about opening a bar. It's really only half a joke. Maybe not even half. I'd like to own a place where that kind of conversation could be held on a regular basis over a good brew. (responsibly, of course!) Someday, I hope...