reflections, thoughts, ideas, but definitely not musings
Without seeming like I'm pandering to the fact that my soon-to-be internship supervisor does read my blog from time to time, I have to say that I'm excited to be out of my current internship and into the next one. Don't get me wrong, I've had a blast this summer in Portland. I've learned alot about myself, ministry, the PC(USA), the capital 'C' Church, etc... I've gotten to be self-motivated, self-guiding, self-sufficient and that's great.
I haven't really been supervised. That has plusses and minusses. I like the freedom. I need the acountability. While I've been treated like a colleague, I don't really feel like I'm on a team. I like working with a team. I haven't had much room for theological reflection other than the little bit that I do here, which isn't much at all. I've been doing tons of reading this summer that I will never discuss with my seven supervisors. Seven supervisors. What was I thinking? What were they thinking? It's like reporting to the Jedi Council every week. They're kind of distant and wouldn't really know if I was going to the dark side or not. until it was too late and I stormed the presbytery meetings with clone troopers ... I probably shouldn't put my fantasies into writing.
i'm looking forward to being in one place, with one supervisor, with one personality (I think?), and one set of expectations. I'm really excited to be serving one community where I can actually get to know people's names (something I'm not good at without youth group style name games) and actyually be apart of people's lives.
In other news, it's hot here. Really hot. Marnie and I are going to the Oregon coast the next couple of days to escape the heat for a bit. With all this heat creeping across the country, you have to wonder if Al Gore is onto something with this whole "global warming" thing he's invented. I have to say, he was far more helpful when he invented the internet.
Well, I should go pack for the beach. Stay cool!
I haven't really been supervised. That has plusses and minusses. I like the freedom. I need the acountability. While I've been treated like a colleague, I don't really feel like I'm on a team. I like working with a team. I haven't had much room for theological reflection other than the little bit that I do here, which isn't much at all. I've been doing tons of reading this summer that I will never discuss with my seven supervisors. Seven supervisors. What was I thinking? What were they thinking? It's like reporting to the Jedi Council every week. They're kind of distant and wouldn't really know if I was going to the dark side or not. until it was too late and I stormed the presbytery meetings with clone troopers ... I probably shouldn't put my fantasies into writing.
i'm looking forward to being in one place, with one supervisor, with one personality (I think?), and one set of expectations. I'm really excited to be serving one community where I can actually get to know people's names (something I'm not good at without youth group style name games) and actyually be apart of people's lives.
In other news, it's hot here. Really hot. Marnie and I are going to the Oregon coast the next couple of days to escape the heat for a bit. With all this heat creeping across the country, you have to wonder if Al Gore is onto something with this whole "global warming" thing he's invented. I have to say, he was far more helpful when he invented the internet.
Well, I should go pack for the beach. Stay cool!
If your current supervisors are worth their salt, being called the Jedi Council will get them pretty stoked ;-) Stay cool!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:15 PM
If your current supervisors are worth their salt, being called the Jedi Council will get them pretty stoked ;-) Stay cool!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:15 PM
Have fun on the coast... :) Ring me up, and we can have coffee--assuming you are headed my direction and not South. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:24 PM
Sorry to hear you haven't had much time for theological reflection. Seems like we've been doing nothing but theological reflection down here, but I would trade in an instant for the kind of experience you're having!
We had Greg Love over to our house last night for a BBQ to which a crowd of people came and we did an impromptu 4 hour Beer and Theology session. It was fantastic. We missed you and Marney.
Be well! See you soon.
Posted by
Aric Clark |
4:22 PM